Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Two Weeks Post Op

I find it hard to believe the surgery I dreaded for months was two weeks ago!  Sure it hurts and I have good days and bad days, but that is to be expected with any surgery.  For the most part it has been a very positive experience.  I am still sleeping in a recliner at night but at least I am getting a good night's sleep.  Yesterday I was able to get out of it by myself - progress!  Physical theapy comes 3 times a week.  I have to continue the exercises on the days when Joe is not here.  My walking is getting better and better and have I been able to take a few steps without the walker (or pusher as the grandkids call it).  I think next week I will graduate to a cane.  The pain I do have is nothing like what I had prior to surgery.  And I know at some point soon that too will be gone.  That proves that I made the right decision.

On a lighter side - keeping myself occupied during recuperation is a challenge.  Daytime TV really needs some help.  I do have some favorites - The View and The Talk.  There are a few good shows on HGTV but lately they have all been repeats.  I find myself on Facebook way too often but it is a form of amusement.  I downloaded 2 new games to my iPad - Angry Birds and some bubble popping game.  Have any of you tried Angry Birds?  It doesn't take long before I am one of those angry birds - the game is really hard.  I started reading The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest.  I loved the first two books so I know I will like this one.  I just have a hard time with attention span right now.  I also have a knitting project.  If our cold damp weather would ever clear up I could get outside a little more.  I am itching to get upstairs to my craft room but haven't gotten to learn stair climbing yet.  Maybe in a week or two.

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