Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Doctor All Clear, Homemade Pizza & Car Group

I remember way back in December making my 6 week post op knee replacememt appointment.  It seemed so far off as did the actual surgery.  Well today was the big day.  I am now cleared to drive but haven't tried it yet.  Maybe tomorrow.  I no longer have to wear support hose round the clock.  Rich is also celebrating that one since he's the one who had to change them for me every day.  They were so tight I couldn't get them on myself.  The high dose of aspirin can be stopped.  Yeah for that!  I have been nauseous almost every day since the day I started taking it the first day I was home from the hospital.  I have lost 10 lbs though which is a good benefit.  I can lose the cane whenever I feel comfortable doing so.  Although it was suggested I use it in crowded places to ward off people who might knock into me.  Home or outside therapy is no longer needed since my range of motion is excellent.  I can bend the new knee much farther than I could the old one.  Still have a little pain and swelling but that could last for a few more weeks.  I take a walk on my cul-de-sac every day and will now start going a little farther every day.  On the way home from the doctor we did some grocery shopping with no scooter.  It was the first time I had walked the store since December and it felt great - makes me know I am finally getting back to normal.  As frightening as the thought of surgery was I am so glad I had it.  Now that the weather is getting nicer I will certainly enjoy getting out and not having constant pain.  I might even be able to do some much needed gardening. 

Now for the pizza part.  Ever since I retired I have wanted to try my hand at homemade pizza.  For some reason I decided tonight was the night.  Rich and I have always loved the Garlic Shrimp Pizza at California Pizza Kitchen so I thought I would try my hand at that.  I used a box of Hot Roll mix that I luckily had in the pantry since I was out of flour.  It made enough for 2 huge pizzas (will save one for another day).  I found the rest of the recipe on Prairie Woman.com.  For some reason if you go to her website and search for it you won't find it (but it is a great website anyway).  But if you search for garlic shrimp pizza recipes on Google it will pull it up.  There is no sauce on this pizza - just a base of olive oil and butter in which you saute 6-8 cloves of garlic.  I also added onions but I add them to everything we eat.  You spread that over the rolled out dough then sprinkle with chopped cooked shrimp.  Cover with mozarella and parmesan cheese and bake.  It turned out soooo good and we both thought it was better than CAPK.  Can't wait to make some more. 

This past Sunday we went to a meeting of the Special Interest Antique Fords Club.  Rich joined last month but I was in no shape to leave the house at that point.  We met the group in Arlington, TX and caravaned to Waxahachi TX about 30 miles away.  There were about 15 antique cars in the line.  We didn't bring the Edsel since it is not ready for such a long drive but I did have my orange Edge.  We met for a group lunch and meeting.  It was a great group of people and we have met some nice new friends.  It turns out one couple lives just a few blocks from us and we became fast friends that we will see again.   Next time that the meeting is closer we will bring the Edsel. 


  1. you made me hungry with that Pizza :)

  2. Love seeing the pictures of all the cars (we car people have to stick together) Ha!

    But the pizza sounds awesome! This past weekend, I got a recipe for pizza dough as well that is supposed to be low in calories. The girl at church had gotten it from the Weight Watchers cookbook, and looked very easy to make with Whole Wheat Flour. I haven't tried it yet, but since the boys are crazy for pizza, I will have to give it a whirl.

    Sure miss seeing you daily! Keep up the blog - I love hearing all about you!

    XXOO's Michelle
