Saturday, March 12, 2016

Working on Me!

Five weeks ago I began a low carb and exercise journey.  The last visit to my doctor showed that my A1C blood sugar numbers had spiked.  They have been the same 5.6 for years but this time jumped to 6.4.  If you know anything about blood sugar those are not high numbers but the spike was concerning.  My doctor thinks it was because my blood tests were done right after the holidays and you all know how many goodies I make every year.  She didn't want to change my medicine just yet so told me to watch my carb intake and we'll see in April how the tests go.

Having a lapband meant that I couldn't eat bread (gums up the system).  But I did discover years ago that if I toasted it, including rolls, bagels, English muffins, etc., I could eat bread with no problem.  My favorite food is potato chips, especially with dip.  And of course who doesn't like candy and chocolate!  Well, those days are over!  In the last 5 weeks I have not had bread of any kind, no pasta or rice, no potatoes or potato chips, no cookies or cake, and no candy.  I have actually gotten to the point where I don't miss those things anymore (on most days anyway).  The most carbs I eat are on the mornings I have a Chobani Flip yogurt for breakfast and my coffee creamer.  And that's about it!  Other mornings I just have a hard boiled egg for breakfast.  I replaced the ever present candy in the candy dish with nuts.  And my salvation are Parmesan chips that I make every week.

Now one would have expected a huge weight loss after all that.  Not so much!  I have only lost 6 lbs.  But I will keep on this road to see what my blood sugar levels are at my next appointment.  And now it has become a habit not to eat those foods.  I doubt if I will ever go back to eating a lot of carbs.

Five weeks ago I also decided to join the town's Senior Citizen Center.  It's in a beautiful brand new building with lots of amenities.  They have an exercise room with 2 treadmills, 3 recumbent bikes, 2 weight machines and free weights.  Believe it or not I have gone almost every day for the last five weeks (except for weekends when they are closed)!  I alternate between treadmill and bike but my favorite part are the Tai Chi classes on Thursday mornings.  My first week was quite pitiful.  Tai Chi helps balance but if you have poor balance to begin with it is very challenging.  And I had to sit down about every 5 minutes in the hour-long class.  The second week I only sat 4 times and did a lot better.  This week everyone in the class commented on how good I was doing and how much longer I lasted, only sitting once or twice.  Last week Rich decided to give it a try with me.  His first week was just as bad as mine but he returned a second time and likes it too.  We found some Youtube videos that we project onto our TV to practice at home.

When I was rehabbing my fake knees one of the exercises was deep knee bends.  I really struggled with them and still do.  Last night something told me to try doing it again before I went to bed and guess what??   I was able to bend so low I actually sat on my heels!  I haven't been able to do that for about 10 years. And I got back up again! I guess something is working (probably the bike).

I don't know who turned on the switch in my head to do this and keep doing this but I like it.  I feel a lot better and have much more energy than I used to.  We are planning a trip to Alaska with friends and I really want to be able to enjoy it and do a lot of sightseeing.  That's my goal right now.

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