My new family brought me home that night. They also had a 15 year old Golden Retriever and a 21 year old cat. I was so excited to have some other animals to play with. They weren't quite as excited - especially the cat!
Mama and Daddy decided I needed some professional training so they sent me away to doggie camp. I was gone one week then came home for a week. I went for another week then home for 2 weeks. That was the last time I saw my new friends. While I was gone for my third week of training they both got sick and had to be euthanized. My new family was devastated but glad to have me for company. As far as that training went, it was OK but I am bred to be"an independent thinker" and tend to do what they ask only some of the time. But they still love me!

They finally gave up and started leaving me lose in the house when they went out. I only ate a few things while they were gone. Pillows and remote controls were my favorites. I am a smart dog, though, and have learned that if I am good they will praise me and give me a treat. It pays to be good while they are gone!
My new yard is much bigger than my old one and it has trees, bushes, a cement pond and squirrels to chase. I love being in my yard. But in the Texas summer when it is too hot I don't stay out too long. I prefer the air conditioning. The best part is when the 5 grand kids come to play with me. I love watching them swim and sometimes we will all gather sticks and branches together,
Great Pyrenees dogs are bred to be livestock guardian dogs. Well, they never got me any other animals to guard (that stuffy HOA would not like that) but I do have chores to do around the house.
I have to pre-wash the dishes |
I have to keep the bed warm for Mama & Daddy every night |
My most important job is to guard the couches |
1. It is not time to get up in the morning until Daddy turns off the alarm. Once I hear those beeps I know I can get out of bed.
2. When I do get out of bed it is time for breakfast and a glucosomine pill. Once I have that it is time to go out and not before.
3. My Mama likes to sew. Anytime she mentions the word "upstairs" that is my cue to go help her. I like to climb the stairs right next to her to see who can get to the top first! She also has treats in the desk drawer and I nudge her until I get one. That's the only way she can get anything done.
4. My humans like to eat a meal in the middle of the afternoon. I will ask to go out while they are eating because I know that when they are done it is nap time with Mama on our bed. I don't want anything to disturb that!
5. There is something in the living room that makes a "bonging" sound all day and night. When it is daylight and it bongs 3 times I know it is time for my dinner. I will immediately get up and lay down in front of the pantry door. That's where the food is kept. Daddy will get the hint that it is time to feed me.6. After dinner it is time for one of my chores - dish cleaning. Sometimes Mama sits at the table too long to suit me and I will sit in front of her and whine until she gets up to let me do my job. Sometimes she just doesn't get the hint!
7. Once the sun sets I know it is time to relax - its almost time for bed. I love hanging out with Daddy on the couch. It is so comforting.
8. I just recently learned what "go potty" means. It means that my humans want me to go out about 7:00 every night to go to the bathroom. If I do that I get to stay in for at least 12 hours (yes I can hold it that long!) undisturbed.
9. After a few hours of couch time with Daddy he tells me it is time for bed. I don't always get up and follow him because I know that its not really bed time until he makes that beeping sound on the alarm again. Once that is done I will get up and go to bed.
10. I leave just enough room in bed for Mama every night because I know I have to share. But once she comes in the room and closes the bathroom door I can relax and stretch out in her place too. It's fun seeing what a hard time she has trying to move me out of her way. I love my Mama and like to sleep on her feet all night!
Well, that's my story! Life is good.